Natural Ways to Get Thicker Hair

Massaging your head and scalp regularly with coconut oil is one of the best methods to get thicker hair naturally. Heat the coconut oil a little and apply it on the scalp and hair by moving your fingers in circular motions. Apart from coconut oil, you can also use other types of oil that suits you like olive oil, jojoba oil, virgin oil, etc. Once you have applied the oil, wet a towel in hot water, squeeze off the excess water and wrap it around your hair. Following this procedure at least one day in a week helps in making the scalp stronger, thus leading to thick and shiny hair. 

Healthy Diet
Just like our body needs good food to stay healthy, even our hair needs a good supply of vitamins and minerals to grow longer as well as thicker. Hence, it is important to indulge in a diet that is healthy as well as balanced. Your daily diet should include foods like fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts, eggs, etc. Along with your diet, it is also recommended to take a daily dosage of multivitamin tablets to get thicker hair. Also, do not forget to drink lots of water, it definitely helps in hair growth. 

Hair Washing Care
Washing your hair regularly is important, but too much washing can make the hair dry. Washing your hair every alternate day is good enough. Moreover, avoid washing your hair with hot water, opt for lukewarm water, as hot water can cause damage to your hair. Mostly people who have oily hair wash their hair regularly. If you are doing this, avoid using shampoos and conditioners everyday. After washing the hair, many people have the habit of wrapping it with a towel to dry. You have to strictly avoid this practice as this can cause hair breakage as well as too many tangles. Once you have washed your hair, let it dry on its own and also avoid combing your hair while it is still wet. 

Shampoo and Conditioner
Advertisements about shampoos and conditioners that promise healthy and thicker hair always tempt us. However, most of the times, these shampoos do not have any positive effect, rather they sometimes damage the hair. This is because these hair products contain chemicals that can cause harm to the hair. Most shampoos contain sodium laureth sulfate, which is meant to remove the oil and dirt, but in the process it also makes the scalp weak. Hence, before buying your shampoo, check its ingredients list carefully. You can also opt for a shampoo which is made of herbs and does not contain any harsh chemicals.

Avoid Straightening or Curling
It has become a trend among youngsters to experiment with their looks by curling, straightening and coloring their hair. However, experts say that if you want to have healthy and thicker hair, you have to stop these practices completely. This is because, doing these changes to the hair makes the hair week, thin, and also to lose its natural luster.

Other Tips for Thicker Hair
Henna is one of the best way to grow thicker hair naturally. Henna not only gives a natural color to the hair, but also helps in making it thick, soft and shiny. Applying raw egg yolk to the hair once a month also helps in the growth of thicker hair. The type of comb you use will make a difference to the quality of your hair. Hence, instead of combs which have teeth that are set very closely, you should buy a wide teeth comb made of wood or bone. Another important suggestion to protect your hair from damage is to cover your hair with a scarf while you are going outdoors.