How to Stop Hair Falling | Natural Solution for Hair Fall

Many men and women experience hair fall. If hair fall is not checked in time, it can result in balding or even permanent hair loss.

Causes of Hair Fall:

There are several causes that lead to hair fall. It is important to identify the causes, so that you can work out a treatment plan accordingly.
  • Stress can also cause hair fall.
  • It can also be because of hormonal fluctuations. In men, sometimes the prostrate gland produces too much of the hormone DHT, that can lead to hair loss.
  • Nutritional deficiency can also lead to hair loss.
  • Cancer, chemotherapy or deficiency of folic acid can cause hair loss.
  • Health problems like seborrheic dermatitis that can also lead to hair loss.
There are many remedies that you can try out to stop hair fall. However, if the problem persists, visit a hair care expert or a doctor to check if your problem is more serious than it looks, and if medicines can treat your hair fall.

  • Mix hair oil with extracts of hibiscus or Goose berry, and massage your scalp with this mixture.
  • Apply lemon juice on the scalp and let it dry. Then rinse your hair. This keeps the scalp and hair clean, and can prevent scalp-related diseases.
  • Soak Fenugreek seeds overnight, and make a paste out if the seeds. Apply this hair pack on your hair and wash off after an hour.
  • If your hair fall is caused by the deficiency of vitamin B1 and Iodine, then speak with a doctor and see if medicines will help.
  • Visit a hair care expert and get a good head massage. Massage can increase the blood circulation, strengthen the hair root, and energize the sebaceous glands.
  • Massaging the scalp with coconut oil is said to arrest hair fall. This is supposed to be nourishing for the hair. You can also use aloe vera gel for massaging your hair.
  • Make a concoction of sage tea and cider vinegar, and rinse your hair with it.
  • Another effective concoction is made with coconut milk, aloe vera, and a little wheat germ oil. Rinse your hair with this mixture.
  • Jojoba oil has been used for centuries for healthy hair. This oil can prevent eczema, dandruff, psoriasis and can even control hair fall.
  • Another healthy concoction can be made with warm mustard oil and henna leaves. Boil these together and then cool the mixture. Pour the oil in a bottle and use it regularly to massage your scalp.

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If you are suffering from hair loss, there would perhaps be no need for you to take any supplements that would help you out. What you can do is make a start by changing your hair care habits and improving your diet to begin with. This may very well end up being the only thing you need to do at all. A lot of people neglect their hair on a daily basis, which is what ends up resulting in a large amount of hair fall to start with. You need to ensure that your hair is well fed and kept clean every day. Start with cutting your hair short. This will improve and make your hair easier to manage. Short hair is easier to comb and it also dries faster, thereby eliminating the need for using hair dryers and such things, which usually only add to your hair fall. Then, you can start washing your hair with a natural and organic shampoo which is specifically suited to your hair type. This will be helpful in keeping your hair well managed as well as nourished according to its needs. Apply hair oil to your hair twice a week. Use olive and coconut oil in equal quantities. All you need to do is warm it and massage your scalp generously with it. Leave this overnight and wash it the next morning. The difference will be instant.

Diet for Hair Loss

You  need to improve your diet by adding all sources of vitamin A to it. This is very useful for improved hair as well as nail growth. In particular, focus on carrots, which contain keratin, the substance that your hair is pretty much made up of. You should also add all other yellow colored fruits and vegetables to your diet, as all of them are rich in this nutrient. Almonds are also particularly good for hair. Try and soak about six overnight and chew on them in the morning. You can also soak a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water every night and drink this water in the morning. This will also improve the general health of your hair. Keep in mind that this may not be particularly palatable or tasty.Following most of the methods listed here will make a difference to your hair in about a month or more. Be patient and do not stop this half way.

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Hair Fall in Men

While everyone loses hair over time, hair loss in men is much more pronounced and common. Men experience a wide range of hair loss, often called male-patterned baldness (or more formerly known as androgenic alopecia) and this type of hair loss usually runs in the family. If you had a grandfather or father with a full head of hair, you may have the same luck. If your grandfather was completely bald, then you are probably looking at the same problem.
Balding and thinning in men is very common. Most men experience some degree of hair loss. It is just that some men have more hair loss than others. In fact, some men may experience slight thinning while some men go bald completely or experience hair loss over the entire body.

There are different ways that a man may experience hair loss. For example, some men experience a receding hairline. This is when the hair along the forehead begins to fall out. This can stop at a certain point, or may continue to the back of the head, eventually giving the man the “ring” of hair look. Men may also experience bald patches. This is very common. This is when the hair falls out in certain areas of the head, sometimes at the crown of the head and spreads down. Thinning may also occur. Usually, by the time a man is 25, thinning or some balding will begin.
It is important to note that hair loss in men is not the same for everyone and some men may choose to treat the thinning and balding while others will not. The choice to treat thinning and balding hair is a completely personal choice. Treatment options include hair implants, prescription or over the counter medications, and hair replacements such as hair pieces and wigs.

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Hair Loss after Pregnancy | Treating Hair Fall after Pregnancy

A number of women will experience a significant amount of hair loss just after a pregnancy. Most women can be quite shocked at the sudden and excessive loss of hair as they do not expect it. However, this is very common as a result of the change in the levels of hormones within the woman’s body. The hair loss can continue for up to six months after which the body will usually resolve itself once the body has recovered from the pregnancy. The loss of hair just after a pregnancy is known as post partum hair loss and to further understand the occurrence, one must understand the way the hair follicles grow, when the individual is pregnant. The growth of hair can be divided into three phases where the roots are locked in by pregnancy hormones – preventing them from falling as well as making them appear thicker, thus causing them to grow faster. The second phase starts when the pregnancy is over and can be the transitional period, where the hormones in your body return to their pre-pregnancy state. In the third phase, the hair will remain on the head for a period of about 100 days before shedding out. Another factor in the shedding of hair after a pregnancy is if the mother had been through a particularly traumatic delivery.
Some useful home remedies that will help you be less affected by the condition include rinsing your hair with some apple cider vinegar and sage tea as the combination will significantly help in the growth of hair. Avoid inducing any unnecessary stress to your hair follicles by keeping away from hair rollers, hair straighteners and blow dryers which will cause your hair to become even weaker. Increase the blood flow to your scalp by having regular head massages. This will significantly stimulate the hair follicles and cause them to grow much faster. You should also avoid the use of any thick creams or hair masques that have a tendency to cling to the pores. While the newer growths of hair may appear to be thinner than older hair, this is primarily due to the fact that hair tends to taper to the end. As always, the diet plays a very important part in getting through the post partum stage with a healthy growth of hair. You should follow a diet plan that is high in fruits and vegetables, preferably those that contain flavonoids as they will provide an added layer of protection to the hair follicles while also promoting hair growth.

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Hair Fall Symptoms, Causes

Treatment for Hair Loss using Rubbing of Scalp

A vigorous rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water is one of the most effective among the several home remedies for the prevention and treatment of hair loss. The scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with the heat. It will activate the sebaceous glands and energise the circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grow healthy.

Hair Loss home remedy using Amla Oil

Indian gooseberry oil, prepared by boiling dry pieces of indian gooseberry in coconut oil, is considered a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth. A mixture of an equal quantity of fresh indian gooseberry juice and lime juice, used as a shampoo also stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Treatment for Hair Loss treatment using Lettuce

Lettuce is useful in preventing hair loss. A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is believed to help the growth of hair if taken to the extent to half a litre a day

Hair Loss home remedy using Amaranth

Amaranth is another valuable remedy for hair loss. Its fresh leaf juice should be applied to the hair. It will help the growth of the hair and keep it soft.

Hair Loss treatment using Alfalfa

The juice of alfalfa, in combination with equal quantities of carot and lettuce juice, taken daily, also helps the growth of hair to a remarkable extent. The combination of these juices is rich in elements which are particularly useful for the growth of hair. While preparing alfalfa juice, the leaves of the plant may be used when they can be obtained fresh.

Hair Loss treatment using Margosa

The leaves of the margosa tree are also beneficial in the treatment of hair loss. If hair has been falling or has ceased to grow it should be washed with the decoction of margosa leaves. This will stop hair from falling and stabilise its blackness. It will also make the hair longer and kill lice and other infesting insects.

Home remedies for Hair Loss using Mustard Oil and Henna Leaves

Mustard oil, boiled with henna leaves, is useful for healthy growth of hair. About 250 ml of mustard oil should be boiled in a tin basin. About sixty grams of henna leaves should be gradually put in this oil till they are burnt in the oil. The oil should then be filtered using a cloth and stored. Regular massage of the head with the oil will produce abundant hair.

Treatment for Hair Loss using Coconut Milk

The application of coconut milk all over the scalp and massaging it into the hair roots is also beneficial in the treatment of hair loss. It nourishes the hair and promotes hair growth. Coconut milk is prepared by grinding the coconut shavings and squeezing them well.

Hair Loss treatment using Lime-Pepper Seeds

Certain home remedies have also been found beneficial in the treatment of patchy baldness. The most valuable of these remedies is the seeds of lime and black pepper, ground together to get a fine paste. This paste applied on the patches, has a mildly irritant action. This increases blood circulation to the affected area and stimulates hair growth. This paste should be applied twice a day, for a few weeks.

Hair Loss treatment using Liquorice

The paste of liquorice, made by grinding the pieces in milk with a pinch of saffron, is another valuable remedy for patchy baldness. This paste should be applied over the bald patches at night before going to bed.

Hair Loss treatment using Onion

Onion has also been found beneficial in patchy baldness. The affected part should be rubbed with onions morning and evening till it is red. It should be rubbed with honey afterwards.

Hair Loss treatment using Pigeon Pea

A fine paste made from pigeon pea or red gram can also be applied regularly on bald patches for beneficial results.

Hair Loss treatment using Other Remedies

Daily application of refined coconut oil, mixed with lime water and lime juice on the hair, prevents hair loss and lengthens it. Application of the juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also considered beneficial. Washing the hair with a paste of cooked black gram and fenugreek lengthens the hair. Regular use of castor oil as hair oil helps the luxuriant growth of the hair.

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