Hair Fall in Men

While everyone loses hair over time, hair loss in men is much more pronounced and common. Men experience a wide range of hair loss, often called male-patterned baldness (or more formerly known as androgenic alopecia) and this type of hair loss usually runs in the family. If you had a grandfather or father with a full head of hair, you may have the same luck. If your grandfather was completely bald, then you are probably looking at the same problem.
Balding and thinning in men is very common. Most men experience some degree of hair loss. It is just that some men have more hair loss than others. In fact, some men may experience slight thinning while some men go bald completely or experience hair loss over the entire body.

There are different ways that a man may experience hair loss. For example, some men experience a receding hairline. This is when the hair along the forehead begins to fall out. This can stop at a certain point, or may continue to the back of the head, eventually giving the man the “ring” of hair look. Men may also experience bald patches. This is very common. This is when the hair falls out in certain areas of the head, sometimes at the crown of the head and spreads down. Thinning may also occur. Usually, by the time a man is 25, thinning or some balding will begin.
It is important to note that hair loss in men is not the same for everyone and some men may choose to treat the thinning and balding while others will not. The choice to treat thinning and balding hair is a completely personal choice. Treatment options include hair implants, prescription or over the counter medications, and hair replacements such as hair pieces and wigs.

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